Friday, 26 September 2014

Second Day of Training at SJMC

As part and parcel of the training, the second day at SJMC was also good whereby journalism lecturers were taught a lot about the internet. Among other things, I have learnt about the challenges in the new era of communication through the internet. Some challenges are digital divide, cultural imperialism, plagiarism, unsocial impacts whereby much more time is nowadays spent on the internet regardless of what is done whether for positive or negative effect.
What like most of the training specifically on the topic of using internet as a tool for journalistic activities. It can   be used as a source of information, for facts checking as well as well searching for people. Moreover, I have learnt about international news in Africa including IPS, ALLAFRICA and others. Lastly, I have learnt how internet can be used as a tool for journalistic research. I learnt about the searching tips.

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